
How Guinea Pigs Drink Water? Dish Or Bottle, Which Is Best!

Guinea Pigs And Water

Water is essential for guinea pigs. It aids in normal body functions such as digestion and excretion. Water also helps to regulate body temperatures, hence cooling the body, especially during hot seasons.

Just as human beings need to stay hydrated, so do guinea pigs. Read along to know more about water as part of a guinea pigโ€™s diet.

What Type Of Water Should A Guinea Pig Drink?

On average, a guinea pig should drink 100ml of water every day. It may be more depending on your guinea pigโ€™s age, size, and health, but the water capacity should never be less than 80ml per day.

The temperature of the environment matters because when it is summer, a guinea pig will drink more water than when it is winter.

Pregnant and lactating guinea pigs drink more water because they are drinking for two; themselves and their pups.ย 

Did you know that baby guinea pigs are called pups?

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What Type Of Water Should A Guinea Pig Drink?

A guinea pig can drink tap water, well water, or even bottled water. You can add some ice cubes during the hot season. Think about it this way, the type of water you would drink is also best for your guinea pig.ย 

Never give your guinea pig sweetened water, such as flavored water, juices and soda because artificial sweeteners and natural sugar contain high levels of sugar, that can lead to health problems such as diabetes and obesity.

While processing the sweetened drinks, they include toxic chemicals that can poison your guinea pig if it consumes it.ย 

Where Should Your Guinea Pig Drink Water From?

There are two major ways a guinea pig can drink water: through a bottle or a using a bowl.ย 

If your guinea pig is a messy eater, then you should consider giving water through the bottle.

However, ensure that it does not clog the nozzle with dirt or food. If you have more than one guinea pig, provide more than one bottle to avoid conflicts that may arise among them.

When giving it through the bowl, ensure that your guinea pig does not step on the bowl and pour it out, especially while playing. Or in worse circumstances, urinate or poop on it. Your guinea pig should not drink the contaminated water as lead to illnesses, especially if your piggy has a urinary tract infection.ย ย 

Always ensure that you clean all bottles and bowls to prevent bacteria and dirt build-up, which can cause stomach problems.ย 

Why Does Your Guinea Pig Not Drink Water?

The most probable reasons your guinea pig does not drink enough water, is because of it being in pain, discomfort, or sick. Check for any dental problem, Urinary Tract Infections, or bloated stomach, and consult with your vet to know how to deal with the problem.ย 

Dental problems can prevent it from not drinking, but also eating. While UTIโ€™s can prevent your guinea pig from drinking as it knows urinating may be a painful task for it.ย 

You should also check your guinea pigโ€™s bottle for any clogged dirt, because perhaps the reason your guinea pig may not be drinking is that its bottle is not working correctly. Regular washing of your guinea pigs bottle is important.

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How To Know Whether Your Guinea Pig Is Dehydrated?

Dehydration alters normal body functions such as digestion, which may lead to constipation, hindering normal bowel movements, and so it is important to always have your guinea pig hydrated. The most common test for knowing whether your guinea pig is dehydrated is by slightly pinching the shoulder skin.

If the skin goes back immediately, then your guinea pig is hydrated, but if the skin takes time to go back to its normal position, then it could be dehydrated, and it is time for you to take it to the vet for a check-up.

You can also monitor your guinea pigsโ€™ drinking in terms of milliliters consumption, or marking the bottle.

Your guinea pig may not immediately die because of dehydration, most of its diet, which is vegetables, has high contents of water. But it is not good in the long run, as it can damage your guinea pigโ€™s internal organs, causing it distress.

How To Get Your Guinea Pig To Drink More Water?

If you want your guinea pig to drink more water, start by first introducing it slowly in their diet. Give your guinea pig vegetables sprinkled with water, or give them natural watery vegetables such as cucumbers and romaine lettuce. That way, they will get used to water in their mouth and will stop it resisting water.

You should also try fresh bottles. Sometimes the reason your guinea pig is not drinking water from a particular bottle is because they dislike the bottle, or do not know how to operate it. Guinea pigs also have preferences, therefore try to understand your guinea pig to know what it likes and dislikes.

Visiting a vet is important, if your guinea pig is sick, or missing water. Keep your Pig up to date with your vets appointments, and administer medication where necessary.ย 

Other Questions

What Food Can Kill A Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs are herbivores and if given foods that are not plants, they can suffer from illnesses and food poisoning which could lead to death.ย 

Some foods not to give your guinea pig are cereals such as oats, grains such as popcorn, and any type of nuts or seeds.

Human snacks such as bread, biscuits, sweets, chocolate, crisps, and the likes should not be given to guinea pigs as they contain high levels of sugar and/or salt which is harmful to them.

Citrus foods are also too acidic and can lead to gastrointestinal complications.ย 

Is It Okay To Have Just One Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs are social beings and love being around others, and though it is okay to have just one guinea pig, it is not the best option. It is best if you have a pair or even more. They are playful and need playmates so that they do not become lonely.ย 

If you choose to keep one guinea pig alone, ensure you spend quality time with it, playing, feeding, and caring for it so that it does not suffer from loneliness. Provide a large space with toys for your guinea pig to play with when you cannot spend time with it.ย 

Can Guinea Pigs Drink Milk?

Guinea pigs are mammals and when born they drink their motherโ€™s milk. If the mother guinea pig dies or rejects it when born, then you should give your guinea pig 3-5ml of goatโ€™s milk mixed with water, hourly, at a warm temperature. Goat milk has little to no lactose and will not harm your guinea pig.ย 

Milk is important for guinea pigs because it is high in calcium. Calcium is essential for the strength of the bones of your animal.ย 

Guinea pigs are lactose intolerant and you should therefore never give your guinea pig cow milk, almond milk, or cream.

Soy milk, coconut milk, and oat milk can be given in moderation.

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