
Will Guinea Pigs eat pumpkin? They have a sensitive digestive system!

Are Guinea Pigs Allowed Pumpkin?

As a pet owner, several factors must be considered for your pets' health and overall safety, irrespective of the one you have.

These factors include where they will sleep, where they play, what they are to eat and what they must not eat, the hazards of the environment you intend to put them in, how well they can adapt to change, and so much more.

Putting all the factors into consideration is the surest means in ensuring that you and your pets have a smooth and serene coexistence. 

What Are Guinea Pigs Allowed

In this review, we’re going to be talking about your guinea pig pets and their diet, most especially pumpkin.

Guinea pigs are herbivorous animals, meaning that they eat more plants but note that not all plants are recommended or healthy for them.

Herbivores also have specific dietary needs and restrictions, and how it affects guinea pigs is what we are about to discuss. Pumpkins are a kind of fruit usually perceived as vegetables, and it is used in various types of dishes. Pumpkins are a kind of gourd that is nutritious and delicious.

They are also called squash, gourds, or pumpkins, depending on the shape, region, and type. The nutrients from the USDA, based on 100g of raw pumpkin, includes sugar 2.7g, Vitamin A, 5.7g, Vitamin C, 9mg, Water, 9.6g, Fiber, 0.5g, Potassium, 340mg.

Pumpkins are great as supplementary food for your guinea pigs’ balanced diet.  Guinea pigs are not to eat edibles like bread, Avocado, cereal, crackers, chocolate, onions, pasta, etc. But you can feed them fruits, primarily; oranges, apples, blueberries, melons, strawberries, bananas, etc. 

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Guinea Pigs And Pumpkins

During the autumn season, pumpkins are popular and in season and so it is likely that you might want to give your guinea pigs pumpkins.

However, in doing so, remember not all pumpkins are ideal for them; the pumpkin spice latte is a NO for guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system, so their diet is quite selective, but they can still take particular pumpkins. Therefore, it is essential that if you have guinea pigs in your home; you know their diets and every other thing that will keep them healthy and playful. What pumpkins can guinea pigs eat, and what part can they also eat? 

Should Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin stems? 

Pumpkin stems are brownish-green and are high in calcium. They do not add any nutritional value to guinea pigs, so you should not give them on that account.

Well, some scholars say you can give them, while some outrightly discourage it. Therefore, if you decide to provide them with, make sure it is minimal.

This is because guinea pigs cannot chew the stems very well, and given the sensitivity of their digestive systems, digesting it might be difficult. Also, guinea pigs do not need so much calcium, and Pumpkin stems are very high on calcium, so you have to regulate the number of branches they will eat.

This is to avoid any stomach upset or, in a worst-case scenario, kidney stones or bladder stones in your guinea pigs. These issues cause severe pains for guinea pigs, so you have to be careful. 2/3 bites of pumpkin stems are more than enough for them, so they do not overeat, resulting in serious health issues. It can be used as a treat occasionally. 

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Puree? 

Pumpkin puree comes in cans and contains sugar, preservatives, and other components that make it hazardous to your guinea pigs.

Feeding you guinea pigs’ pumpkin puree is very risky and should be avoided as much as possible.

It should not be offered as food or treat at all. Preservatives and chemicals in canned foods are detrimental to your guinea pigs' health, do not give them! 

Can Guinea Pets Eat Pumpkin Insides?

Pumpkin insides can be fed to your guinea pigs so far as raw, not cooked. They tend to eat pumpkin skin or rinds in minimal amounts.

When providing your guinea pigs with pumpkin insides, make sure it is not cooked because of their digestive system.

The number of pumpkin insides you feed them should not be more than one inch of it all. You can also give them ‘the pulp,' but it might be quite messy, so if you do not like 'messy,' don’t feed them pulp. 

What of Pumpkin Seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are not in any way safe for guinea pigs as they can damage their teeth in trying to chew the seeds.

These seeds can also hurt their throats as they’re trying to swallow. Roasted pumpkin seeds are the norm during the fall.

However, you can eat it but not your guinea pigs. In general, nuts and seeds should not be fed to your guinea pigs at all because of their digestive system. Some nuts have starch and sugar, leading to diarrhea, bloating, or other issues in your guinea pigs.

You shouldn't give them pumpkin seeds because the seeds are high in fat, and Guinea pigs do not know how to regulate their eating portion, so it is a terrible idea. They usually overeat, leading to weight problems, so it is your responsibility as their owner to apportion the appropriate amount for them. 

Butternut Pumpkin? 

Butternut pumpkin is considered a vegetable, but it is a fruit, and it is beautiful to feed them to your guinea pigs.

In providing it to them, ensure it is not cooked! Do not cook the vegetables or fruits you plan to feed your guinea pigs because of their digestive system.

Wash the fruits and vegetables well and provide them to them. If your guinea pigs do not eat it, it is no problem, and if they do, that’s fine. Please do not give them butternut pumpkin often but occasionally because it is high in oxalic acid.  

Feeding you guinea pigs pumpkin is first based on the fact that they like and eat it in the first place. There is nothing wrong with your guinea pigs if they do not pick pumpkins. That is one less problem for you in caring for your guinea pigs.

Other Questions

Is it Okay for my Guinea Pig to eat Newspaper?

Guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system but not in newspapers. It is beautiful for them to chew and swallow newspapers.

Newspaper inks are no longer toxic since they now use carbon black ink. Carbon black ink is stable once dried and has no toxicity through inhalation or absorption.

When you feed them, they will most likely not finish it as it is practically tasteless. They enjoy the thrill of chewing the papers. You do not have to feed it to them since it is food, but if they come across it and begin to chew, do not fret. 

What Foods can kill a Guinea Pig? 

Guinea pigs cannot eat several things that might be healthy for other animals and pets because of their digestive make-up.

Feeding them the wrong diet will be poisonous and can lead to death, so pay attention to their diets.

Do not feed your guinea pigs any snack made for a human, chocolate, citrus fruits, dairy products, sugar, Rhubarb, tomatoes stems and leaves, meat, privet, sorrels, poppies, houseplants, yew, and some others.

These foods are not bad or unhealthy on their own, but when it comes to your guinea pigs, they are. Chocolate, for instance, can lead to their death. Meat, any type at all, is poisonous to them because they are herbivores.  

Can Guinea Pigs eat Apple? 

Absolutely! Apples are great for your guinea pigs as treats, not the main diet. Their primary diet should include vitamin C fresh hay, clean and fresh water.

Vegetables and fruits have to be in moderation, so they do not encounter digestive issues.

Guinea pigs can eat apples, but it is not an essential diet. Sugary foods should be given to them as treats once in a while to be delicate and healthy. 


If you require more information, please check these references

Guinea Pigs: food, symbol and conflict of knowledge in Ecuador , article, "", retrieved on, Tue 19-January-2021

Guinea pigs , article, "", retrieved on, Tue 19-January-2021

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