
Gerbils Like Dandelions That Will Make You Say "Awwwww"

What Are Dandelions?

Dandelions are weeds that many people love to hate. It's hard to look at a dandelion and not think it's just a big yellow nuisance. There are many different kinds of dandelions, but the most common is the plant that grows in pastures and yards. There are several reasons why people grow dandelions.

Dandelions are used for making dandelion wine, and dandelion greens. Other people use dandelions to make dandelion syrup and dandelion root tea.

However, if you look a little closer, you will notice dandelions are actually the perfect example of natural beauty. If you have a garden, you probably don't consider dandelions part of it. They grow wild in many places, but they are also very pretty.

However, you want to feed dandelions to your gerbil, and yes there do make good food for them.

Do Gerbils Like Dandelions?

Yes Gerbils do like dandelions, although they do not grow where the gerbil comes from.

It is common knowledge that a gerbil's diet should consist of much more than simply dandelion leaves. They are a great, nutritious addition to a gerbils diet in small amounts. However, they should not make up the main part of a gerbils diet.ย  Feeding your gerbil a few dandelion leaves is perfectly fine.ย 

Ensure they are clean and pesticide-free. Gerbils are herbivores, which means they should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Dandelion leaves are a great source of vitamins A, B and C. They are also good because they contain high amounts of iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Dandelions are also rich in Vitamins A and C and iron

Which Type of Dandelions

A lot of people do not realize that gerbils are herbivores. This means that their natural diet is made up of grasses, grains, and other green, leafy vegetables.

The problem is that most people do not consider dandelions to be a food -- let alone a good one! But in fact, dandelions are a fantastic food for gerbils.

They are rich in nutrients, are non-toxic. They are also very easy to grow and harvest, which makes them an excellent choice for those who wish to feed their gerbils a supplement to their normal diet of pellets.

gerbil and dandilion

Why Eat Dandelions

Dandelion greens are high in vitamins A, C and K, as well as vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, zinc, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Dandelion root is one of the richest sources of inulin, a prebiotic that helps support healthy digestion.

Nutritional Value Of Dandelions

Dandelion greens are an exceptionally nutritious and versatile food. They are one of the most nutritionally rich plant foods known to science, in addition to being very low in calories.

One cup of fresh greens contains 10% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and almost as much vitamin K, along with significant amounts of vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium and manganese.

  • Contain Potent Antioxidants
  • Highly Nutritious
  • Reduce Cholesterol
  • Boost Your Immune System
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Help Fight Inflammation
  • Promote a Healthy Liver
  • Fight Cancer
  • Boost Your Immune System

Serving Size And How To Feed?

Dandelions are a delicious, healthy, superfood that can be found in all of our communities.

A dandelion taco for lunch? Why not! Only consume pesticide-free dandelions, and wash them thoroughly to ensure there is nothing harmful in there. If you have a gerbil, make sure you only give him a few leaves and a flower, and not the entire thing.

No poisonous look-a-likes for Dandelions

There is no such thing as a poisonous dandelion

Side effect of Dandelions for Gerbils

Although dandelions are harmless for gerbils, you should be careful when feeding them.

Dandelions are very nutritious, but it can be dangerous to feed them to young gerbils. If the gerbil begins to vomit, has diarrhea, has a fever or is lethargic, you should stop feeding dandelions and consult a vet.

Gerbils and Water

In the wild, gerbils have to deal with dry conditions and a lack of plentiful food sources, and they are able to handle both of these situations by doing something clever: they drink less water, and they eat less food.

Theyโ€™re able to do this thanks to a couple of adaptations to their biology. Firstly, the glands in their mouths make it possible for them to get rid of water from their saliva before itโ€™s even absorbed, and secondly, any water they do absorb is transported to the bladder through the blood stream, so it doesnโ€™t need to be filtered through the kidneys.

However when kept in captivity gerbils should have water constantly available to them


Always clean dandelions and wash off any pesticides

Pesticides are products designed to kill insects, weeds, and other organisms that can harm your garden and crops. While some pesticides are safe for use around the home, others can be dangerous.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has strict guidelines about how much pesticide can be in your home, and it is important to follow these guidelines when you are using pesticides.

gerbil and dandilion 2

How To Consume Dandelions

If you are a gerbil foodie, you could do worse than to pick dandelions from your lawn for your pet.

The leaves and flowers of the dandelion are not only a great source of fiber and vitamin A, but they are also free, and can be a fun project for the whole family. (Just make sure you donโ€™t pick from someone elseโ€™s lawn; if you do, you can be sure to find traces of weed killer and other pesticides.)

Even better, use your fresh dandelions to make a gerbil salad, which is a simple and delicious way to bring a bit of the outdoors into your gerbilโ€™s cage.

Dandelion Leaves And Tops

Yes, these are great! Dandelion greens are packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients and are relatively high in protein.

The high fiber content of dandelion greens also helps support your bunny's digestive tract and promotes healthy bowel movements. (Not to mention that dandelion greens are delicious!)

Since dandelion greens are highly perishable, it's best to only feed store-bought dandelion greens for treats or as occasional munchies.ย 

Fresh Dandelions

Feeding your gerbil dandelions is perfectly fine, but they shouldn't make up the main part of your gerbils diet. A few dandelion leaves or some of the flowers should be fed to your gerbil in small quantities, but not as a staple part of its diet.

The reason for this is that gerbils need a balanced diet, with lots of hay and fresh vegetables, and dandelions are not the most nutritious food for them. The best thing to do is to feed your gerbil a small amount of dandelion leaves or flowers every so often, and then ensure it has a balanced diet with lots of hay and fresh vegetables.

Dehydrated Dandelions

As gerbils have to eat small amounts of dandelions, then dehydrated are probably not worth it. They are sweet as well meaning pore teeth also.

Frozen Dandelions

Yes, green from the dandelion can be eaten. I do not know about the rest of the flower. I would give mine fresh rather than frozen

Cooked Dandelions

Cooked dandelions? Not sure that the exist

Dandelion Jam

There are dandelion jams! Do not give them to your gerbils, the are way to sweet

โ€‹Steamed Dandelions

Once these are cooled down, they can be given to your gerbil. I would use fresh ones however.

Roasted Dandelions

The root of the dandelion can be roasted and given to gerbils. These are good for the teeth.

Dandelions Crisps

The greens of a dandelions may be made into chips. Garlic, pepper, salt and fat which are also used should be avoided but you gerbil

Dandelion Sauce

Dandelion sauce - yes there is! But do not give it to your Gerbils

Dandelion Seeds

These are the fluffy white - lions teeth on the top of a dandelion. I would personally not give these to a gerbil, even if they are OK for them. As Dandelions are OK for gerbils, but not a lot... I just do not give the heads to them

Dandelion Leaves

Gerbils seem to love these, but remember not too many!

Dandelion Tea

Yes the can have dandelion tea, if it cooled down, and unsweetened.

Dandelion Puree

I do not think there is such a thing

Wild Dandelions

All dandelions are wild as far as I know. Look at the list above for feeding habits

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root is a traditional herb that has long been used for its medicinal properties. It is enjoyed by and other animals. It is good for feeding as part of a natural diet.ย 

The root is good for the teeth of a gerbil.

Gerbils And Dandelions Conclusion:

Gerbils are small rodents native to Asia. They have been domesticated for hundreds of years and are popular pets in the UK and USA. The gerbil is a social animal and does best when kept in pairs or groups of three or more. In the wild, gerbils live in underground burrows and are active during the day.

Can gerbils eat dandelions? Gerbils are herbivores and require a high fiber diet containing a variety of plants, fruits and vegetables to ensure they receive all the nutrients they need. Dandelions are rich in calcium and phosphorus.

If fed in moderation, dandelions can provide extra fiber in a gerbils diet.

Other Questions

Can Gerbils Eat Broccoli?

A gerbilโ€™s nutritional needs are similar to a humanโ€™s. If they are fed a balanced diet they will grow and develop normally. Along with fresh vegetables and fruits, a gerbilโ€™s diet should include whole grains, such as oats and wheat. Gerbils also need high quality commercial gerbil food available in pet stores.

Gerbils can eat just a small portion of their food each day, because they consume mostly water. A gerbilโ€™s diet should be changed slowly, over a period of a few weeks, to avoid upsetting its digestive system.

See - Can Gerbils Eat Broccoli?


Can Gerbils Eat Apples?

Gerbils are small rodents that love to eat, and they need a diet that's high in fiber and low in fats. Good quality food is essential for their health and well-being, yet choosing the right one can be confusing.

(A good quality, balanced diet especially for gerbils, containing all the nutrients and minerals they need. ... Fruit (pear, melon, apple, oranges) and vegetables (cucumber, carrot, pumpkin and fennel) can be used to supplement your gerbils ration

See - Can Gerbils Eat Apples?

Can Gerbils Eat Strawberries?

Yes they love strawberries! These adorable little rodents are fairly easy to care for, but they do have some dietary needs. One of the most important is that they eat lots of fiber, which gerbils get by eating lots of plants. They also need to eat plenty of protein and fat, which they get from eating insects and other small animals in the wild.

An occasional strawberry won't hurt your pet, but try to keep fresh fruit to a minimum. You might also want to use a treat ball, which is a large plastic ball filled with treats that gerbils must push around to get to the food within. In the wild, gerbils use their long front teeth to dig up roots and burrow tunnels.

See- Can Gerbils Eat Strawberries?

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