Mushrooms are edible fungus that people eat all over the world. They are found everywhere and available in grocery stores.
They grow in forests and at the base of trees. Some grow on decomposing trees. They grow from pores as they do not have seeds.
Eating mushrooms is good for the health as it is packed with several minerals and vitamins. It also contains fiber, protein and and antioxidants. Eating mushrooms can help protect the brain from diseases like Alzheimer.
Guinea pigs are herbivores so they eat plants. Giving your Guinea pigs mushrooms won't kill them. However, you have to be careful about adding it to their diet.
You first have to make sure that your Guinea pigs loves them. Cut a few pieces and leave it in their cage and observe to see if they would eat them.
You also have to note that, not all mushrooms are edible so you want to make sure the mushroom you got is edible. There are different types of mushrooms. The ones available to you may depend on where you are located. Some of the popular types are Button Mushrooms, Cremini Mushrooms, Oyster Mushrooms and Portobello Mushrooms. The most common however is the Button Mushrooms.
Feeding your Guinea pigs mushrooms is however not be necessary as it has no nutritional value to them. It lacks vitamin C which is an essential part of their diet.
Giving them mushroom often can be injurious to their health as mushrooms contain fat and sugar. So you can only feed it to them in small quantities once in a while. Since you know it has no value to them however, I don't see why you should bother.
Wild mushrooms are toxic to them and could kill them so it is a No No for Guinea pigs. Can they eat mushroom soup? No. Fresh water is the only liquid they need to live healthy. Store bought mushrooms should also be avoided as they are too salted and seasoned. Guinea pigs should not be fed cooked food so mushroom risotto should also be avoided.
Guinea pigs are delicate creatures. They need proper care to be able to thrive in a particular environment.
When not properly taken care of, they could fall sick or even die. Because of their delicate nature, a number of things could kill them. Here are a list of things that could kill your Guinea pigs so beware. This list did not exhaust the things that could kill Guinea pigs but it would help you.
1. Unbalanced diet. To live healthy and function properly, Guinea pigs have to be provided balanced diet. There's a list of nutrients they need everyday which their daily diet should provide. If you fail to feed them well or neglect their daily nutritional needs, they will develop health problems which will lead to their death. For example, when Guinea pigs lack vitamin C, they are prone to Scurvy which could kill them.
2. Predators. Guinea pigs are small so they are often preys to other pets. When you let out your Guinea pigs to play, ensure you are watching, especially if you have predators like dogs, cats and foxes around. They could cause serious damage to them.
3. Dirty cages. Dirty cages lead to serious health issues for Guinea pigs. Ensure you clean their cages often. Clean their water bottles or bowls frequently and ensure their beddings are always neat.
4. Wild mushrooms. While mushrooms are safe for Guinea pigs to eat, wild mushrooms are toxic to them and could lead to their death. Some wild mushrooms may be safe but they look almost the same and you don't want to make your Guinea pig a lab test.
5. Toxic plants. Some plants contain poison that will kill Guinea pigs if they eat them. That is why you must ensure you are watchful when your Guinea pig is playing outside. If you have those plants around, you may want to get rid of them totally. Some of these plants include Ivy, mistletoe, avocado etc. While Guinea pigs can safely eat and enjoy tomatoes, they are not to be fed unripe tomatoes. Unripe tomatoes, tomato stem and tomato plant is toxic and very harmful to them. It could kill them.
6. Rat poisons and insecticides. Guinea pig is a specie of rodent so rat poison can kill them. Before you allow them to play around, ensure the environment is safe for them, as they love to nimble and chew everything. Make sure rat poisons, insecticides and medications are safely locked.
7. Dehydration. Guinea pigs cannot survive long without water. They need water to survive. Clean fresh water is an essential part of their diet. Without water Guinea pigs could die before a week.
Absolutely not. Guinea pigs cannot be left alone for more than a day.
That's if you are busy. If you are not going to be around for more than a day, have someone check on your Guinea pigs. Here are some of the reasons they can't be left alone for more than a week.
Guinea can definitely have bananas. Eating banana does not harm them in any way but you want to be careful about that. Banana is a treat and should not be replaced with their normal diet. They will not get their daily nutrional need from banana only.
Banana also contains sugar. This means it could cause them serious problems if they eat too many of it.
Eating a lot of banana could make Guinea pigs become overweight. Obesity in Guinea pigs could cause health problems likeheart diseases and eventually death.
Too much of banana eating could also cause diarrhea and digestive problems. So it is best to give them a small slice once a week. Any more than that and there could be problems.
Can Guinea pigs eat unripe banana? No. They can't. You wouldn't want to eat an unripe banana so why should you give it to your Guinea pigs? Make sure that banana you want to give them is ripe and soft enough.
Can Guinea pigs eat banana peels? The answer is yes. Guinea pigs can eat banana peels as it is good for them. The peels do not hurt them, it even supplies them with vitamin. Your Guinea might not like them though. All Guinea pigs aren't the same. They have individual differences when it comes to food, though some foods are generally loved by these lovelies.
Can I give my Guinea pig overripe banana? No. It contains a lot of sugar which could give them diarrhea or other health related issues.
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