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Gerbils Like Dandelions That Will Make You Say "Awwwww"
Yes Gerbils do like dandelions, although they do not grow where the gerbil comes from. It is common knowledge that a gerbil's diet should consist of much more than simply dandelion leaves. Whilst dandelions are not harmful to gerbils in small quantities they should not make up the main part of a ger...
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Life Expectancy of Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Mice and Rabbits to Human Years
Many parents speak about a person's years vs. the pet years to illustrate the age of the animal to a kid. So, one gerbil year equals seven human years. It's impossible to explain it with gerbils. Gerbils have a short lifespan, to begin with...
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Can Gerbils Eat Broccoli? And Which Type Of Broccoli Can They Have?
You may wonder if gerbils can eat broccoli. Broccoli is a developed breed of cabbage with purple flower bud heads. It is a sign of health and strength. ...
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Can Gerbils Eat Apples? And Which Type Of Apples Can They Have?
Yes, you can give apples to gerbils. In fact, all varieties of apples are safe to give to them. However, they must only be given occasionally since they have high sugar and water content in them...
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Guinea Pigs

Life Expectancy of Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Mice and Rabbits to Human Years
Many parents speak about a person's years vs. the pet years to illustrate the age of the animal to a kid. So, one gerbil year equals seven human years. It's impossible to explain it with gerbils. Gerbils have a short lifespan, to begin with...
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cabbage? And Which Type Of Cabbage Can They Have?
Are guinea pigs allowed to consume cabbage? Yes, guinea pigs may eat cabbage, but not daily. Cabbage contains calcium that, when fed in abundance, can induce bladder stones...
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Best Guinea Pig Bedding. Hear We have The Best 3 Types!
Guinea pigs spend most of their time indoors, and in their cage, so it is important that you invest in quality and comfortable bedding for them. Imagine bedding that is not only good for your guinea pig, but also eco-friendly! ...
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What Guinea Pigs Eat? And Also, What They Can't Eat!
Guinea pigs are pure herbivores and a balanced diet for them should comprise plants only. Anything other than plants are harmful for them, and can lead to severe illnesses and even death....
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Life Expectancy of Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Mice and Rabbits to Human Years
Many parents speak about a person's years vs. the pet years to illustrate the age of the animal to a kid. So, one gerbil year equals seven human years. It's impossible to explain it with gerbils. Gerbils have a short lifespan, to begin with...
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Pet Sitting Ferrets! Tips for keeping ferrets happy in your home!
Are you a pet sitter or an owner of a ferret and are looking for tips on taking care and looking after ferrets? Read along to know and understand more about ferrets and what is expected of you as you take care of them....
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What are the similarities between ferrets and other pets?
You may live in a country that either prohibits ferrets or gives strict legal regulations about ferrets and are looking for an alternative pet that is similar in nature with ferrets...
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Where Do Pet Ferrets Sleep? How to sleep with your pet ferret!
Ferrets often sleep in cages because cages are dark and free from light. Too much light, whether artificial or natural, causes ferrets to suffer from adrenal diseases...
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Will Mice Eat Pumpkins? They have a sensitive digestive system!
It's that time of year again: the time when the local supermarkets and grocery stores are stocked to the brim with pumpkins for fall. Many people enjoy carving pumpkins and using them as decorations, but rodents (like mice and rats) prefer nibbling on them. When pumpkins begin to rot, these little c...
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Will Mice eat Dandelions? They have a sensitive digestive system!
The answer is yes, but before you go out there and give your pet mouse a dandelion, you should know that dandelion flowers arenโ€™t as safe as you might think...
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Do Mice like Apples? Yes, but Avoid These Parts for Their Safety
It's a common belief that mice are vegetarian, but that's not necessarily true. Mice, like humans, have diets that consist of a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates. At times, mice may eat meat, but just like humans, they don't need to eat meat to survive....
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Life Expectancy of Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Ferrets, Mice and Rabbits to Human Years
Many parents speak about a person's years vs. the pet years to illustrate the age of the animal to a kid. So, one gerbil year equals seven human years. It's impossible to explain it with gerbils. Gerbils have a short lifespan, to begin with...
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When do baby rabbits leave the nest in the wild
At 3 weeks old , baby rabbits have a pretty well-developed instinct to leave the nest. If you see one that's still hanging around on its own, it might be injured or ill, and in need of help. The mother rabbit will try to nudge the baby out of the nest with her nose, and if she doesn't prevail after ...
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How do you know if your rabbit is sleeping?
Rabbits are โ€œdaytimeโ€ sleepers, meaning that they sleep during the day and are active at night. By comparison, humans are โ€œnighttimeโ€ sleepers and tend to go to bed later in the evening and wake up later in the morning...
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When Do Baby Rabbits Get Teeth? (And Should You Worry About It?)
After the first set a couple of month in the get the second and final set of teeth. Baby rabbits' teeth and the adult's are completely different in structure, although both are tiny. The small teeth that babies have can't yet puncture anything more robust than a carrot....
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What foods can wild baby bunnies eat? (Timothy Hay And Alfalfa)
Wild rabbit are not like domestic rabbits . Different wild rabbits have different nutritional and dietary needs. Domestic rabbits can usually eat the same diet as their wild cousins, but keep in mind that just because they can doesn't mean they should....
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